Thank you Elahé Omidyar Mir-djalali

A warm welcome to Elahé Omidyar Mir-djalali

Welcome to the Chancellors’ Circle of Benefactors.

This recognition society celebrates the extraordinary leadership of a distinguished group—just over 100 individuals, foundations and organizations who have each made contributions of $5 million or more to the University of Toronto.

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Visionary benefactors like you, dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary work and sharing the best of human civilization across cultures, enable our University to accelerate knowledge, innovation, creativity and progress.

Thank you for your commitment. Its impact will last for generations to come.

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A lasting tribute to your generosity

The University of Toronto recognizes our most generous benefactors by engraving your names on the stone installation in Simcoe Hall—the historic centre of the University.

Each donor joins their peers on the installation chronologically, after fulfilling $5 million or more in giving. At the next opportunity after you reach this milestone, we will add the name Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali.

View the installation

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Reach out to learn more

We are delighted to assist you, should you have questions or wish to learn more about the Chancellors’ Circle of Benefactors.

Katherine Needham

Director, Donor Relations


Explore the chancellors’ circle of benefactors website

Your generosity will catalyze extraordinary achievements and we want to share that story. In the days to come, we will email you the biography we have prepared, celebrating your gift and its impact. Once you approve it, we will share it on the Chancellors’ Circle of Benefactors website. In the meantime, please enjoy exploring the biographies of your fellow donors.

visit the website